I suppose it would be rather cliche to write a blog entry about what I'm thankful for at Thanksgiving. Luckily for me, it's not Thanksgiving, it's the Monday after, and I've never been above cliche anyhow. So, here are a few of my reflections.
First of all, I'm thankful for my family. The holiday season is a very stressful time for many people due to family gatherings and the various turmoil and issues that come out of that. I am truly blessed in this area. Unlike some I know who try to get the family stuff over as quickly as possible, I generally make my holiday plans so as to maximize the time I get to spend at home with the folks and other family. That is a special gift that I do not take for granted. And, while I have always enjoyed my family, I'm thankful for somethings that God has been doing in my life and in their that have made those bonds even closer over the last several years.
On a simpler note, I'm also thankful for my dog, Chaser. I'm reminded of this because he is at present licking the bottom of my shoe, for reasons I can't begin to comprehend, and likely would rather not know anyhow. Chaser is a handful and at times can be very frustrating to deal with, but overall is a source of tremendous joy for me, and he has taught me many object lessons about the relationship between myself and God.
I'm very thankful for my friends. This past year has had it's struggles and challenges, but for the first time in a long time I really feel like I'm starting to find a group of people I can count on, to hold me accountable and to walk along with me. I have been blessed in very unexpected ways through relationships that I never would have pursued on my own, but that God has put in my path recently. This year, I'm especially thankful that I've had the opportunity to reconnect with a few very special friends that I had lost touch with over the last few years. Since I'm guessing all of you will read this at some point, I just want to say that I love you guys, and I'm not sure you'll ever know what it means to me to have a connection with you again.
I'm thankful for my past, both the good and the bad, and that I serve a God who is able to heal the hurts and pain of years gone by. I'm thankful for the gifts and talents He has given me, and that He is working with me daily to mold me into the person He designed me to be.
I'm thankful for my job, which God blessed me with almost exactly two years ago. It's been a challenge to maintain that level of thanks, as it's been so easy at times to grumble about the boredom of the job, and to gravitate to simply doing the minimum I need to do to get by, rather than giving my best effort on a daily basis. If I were to have to choose one area in my life that I want to see the most growth in from this Thanksgiving until next, it would be this one - that I would go to work every day with an attitude that honors God and reflects a heart of gratitude for His provision. I don't want to do this forever, but I do believe that it is God's desire for me to grow in this area before I move on.
There are many, many other things I could list, but I think these few reflections give a picture of where my head and heart are at right now, as we draw near to the Christmas season. It's my prayer for all of you who might read these words that you would find yourself so blessed, in your own way, as this year begins to draw to conclusion.
11 months ago
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