Just a quick shot here, I'll probably do a longer entry about something else later tonight, but I thought it noteworthy that Barry Bonds requested a dismissal of his federal perjury charges yesterday.
Of course Bonds is going to make such a request, though it seems unlikely that it will be granted. What I find interesting is the nature of the request, in which his lawyers argued that "the indictment is 'scattershot' and noted for its 'striking inartfulness.'"
I post this here because I am hoping that someone with a broader vocabulary than I will stumble across this and be able to tell me what scattershot and inartfulness mean. I don't think they are in my dictionary.
11 months ago
Funny words make me giggle. :)
Okay, upon further review, it seems that scattershot is a word, that basically means indiscriminate.
Inartfulness, however, gets me a "did you mean insightfulness" from Google, and all the results are various links to the Bonds story.
I'm going to say that if your lawyers are inventing words for your defense, that's not a positive sign.
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