So, I didn't get to blog about this yesterday, but public transportation struck yet another blow! After Tuesday's fiasco, I, of course, showed up at the bus stop earlier than previously. I was there at about 3:20, and the route isn't supposed to start until 3:25. And once again, no bus! Well, I can't say for sure no bus, because I didn't wait outside as long this time. It was cool again, and this time actually raining, so when 3:45 rolled around (10-15 minutes later than I've ever been picked up before), I went into the lobby of my building to sit and read before going back out to wait for the 4:10 bus, which, predictably arrived at around 4:15.
So, seriously, who kidnapped the 3:25 bus? I have no clue what might have played out again today, as I left work early to deal with the question of whether or not we could play our softball game tonight (the answer is yes, but not at the scheduled field. Moving a game is much more irritating than having one rained out, but at least you get to play the game), so I took the 2:25 bus instead, which, much like the 4:10 has done the last two days, and much like the 3:25 did every day prior to Tuesday, arrived at my bus stop about 5 minutes after the scheduled start of the route. The public transportation website indicates no change in route or times in the last month, and yet suddenly I'm uncapable of picking up the bus to New Cumberland at approximately 3:30 just outside my building. Strange indeed.
This is a great mystery, but one that I will not have the opportunity to investigate further for quite a while, and by the time I have a chance, it will hopefully solve itself. Since I left early today, I'll be staying late tomorrow, and since next week is a holiday week and I don't get paid time off as a consultant, I'll be working each night to make up some of that time. The following week will be a short week for me as well, as I leave for Thailand on Friday the 6th, I'll be in Thailand for the entire next week, and then returning during the day on Monday, so the week after that will be short as well. So, if I'm still working on this assignment on Monday, June 23rd, I'll report in as to what I find!
11 months ago
You should probably ride a bike. That way you don't need to worry about schedules.
...although you may want to leave a car at the bottom of the giant hill you live on.
Sorry about the bus, man. :(
Did you hear the sad news about Steven Curtis Chapman? Here's an article. So tragic.
Jeff - An intriguing idea, but given that I can't remember the last time I've been on a bike, I'm thinking riding one into downtown Harrisburg is not the best idea.
Amanda - No, I did not hear that. I'm rather out of touch with the whole CCM scene these days. That's so terrible, on multiple levels.
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