It seems that most of my loyal readers have discovered Google Reader within the last month or so, which means they only come by when there's something new actually posted. My traffic numbers have gone way down, but as far as I can tell, all my regulars are still such.
So, I plead with you, shun the new fangled techonology and go back to the old trusty method of stopping by my blog anytime you hop on the computer. It's much better for my ego that way ;-)
11 months ago
Ack! I think it's me!! :D Sorry, friend, I read sooo many blogs, it's easier and quicker to use the reader. :) And my husband prefers I not blog quite so frequently. :) hehe
It's not just you, actually.
Speaking of your husband, I have a matter I'd like to discuss with him. All I have is his work e-mail. Is he going to get fired if I e-mail him with a non-work issue?
Cause I'm okay with that, I just want to know going in :)
Tim says you can email him there. :)
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