So, thus far I haven't done a good job of keeping to my commitment to keep posting regular after the arrive of my Wii. Oh well. Anyhow, as you might have guessed, the Wii did arrive safely on Saturday (and in related news, the accessory they told me they weren't going to be able to send me actually showed up Friday, without being charged to my credit card - I'm reporting this and hoping that Radio Shack rewards my honesty).
Saturday was actually about the perfect day for the Wii to show up. With Tropical Storm Hanna in town for most of the day, I didn't feel the least bit guilty about staying at home and playing with my new toy. In fact, I probably got considerably more activity in with the Wii than I would have without the Wii. Although, I might have finished cleaning the house... The delivery guy came nice and early, so by about 10 am I had the system set up and was dancing around my basement playing the Wii versions of tennis, bowling, baseball, etc. I also mixed in some air driving with Mario Kart Wii. Feeling like I needed a shower after a couple of hours of video games was a new experience for me, to say the least.
When I got up the next morning, I discovered something that I hadn't anticipated, but probably should have. My right forearm was sore, from the shoulder down to the elbow. The various motions involved in Wii Sports, when repeated extensively without warmup by an arm that isn't in any kind of condition for them (softball season ended several weeks ago) is clearly capable of producing effects not unlike those produced by the real sports themselves. I had heard of tennis elbow, but before Sunday morning, the idea of Wii elbow had not crossed my mind. Of course, since the Wii has been around for close to 2 years now, I was not the first one to coin this term, and a quick Google search gave me all kinds of insight into my mallady.
Undeterred, I have continued to spend time honing my various virtual skills, all while favoring my first real video game injury. What can I say, I'm a glutton for punishment - at least punishment of this variety!
11 months ago
"I had the system set up and was dancing around my basement playing the Wii versions of tennis, bowling, baseball, etc. I also mixed in some air driving with Mario Kart Wii."
That must've been funny to see. ;) Hope your elbow feels better!
Of course it was funny to see.
Have you not experienced the Wii either as a witness or participant yet?
As for the arm, my theory is I'll just play long enough that it gets numb :)
I've seen Tim play it once and that is the extent of my Wii exposure. :)
In that case, I may just have to try and fit the Wii in my luggage...
I know it seems odd to think about bringing video games along for a visit, but it's a completely different story with the Wii!
Ahahahaha! That would actually be awesome. :) No pressure, though. :)
Wiis are pretty small, they were built with portability in mind it seems.
It may depend on what the weather is looking like and how much warm stuff I have to bring, or whether I'm willing to haul a bigger suitcase than I would otherwise need just to bring the Wii along :)
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