Well, I’m back! Admit it, you missed me – all 3 of you that read this space whenever I happen to write something in it. It’s hard to believe it’s been since the middle of August since I posted anything, but that’s how it goes I suppose.
The funny thing about this prolonged absence is that it’s not like I haven’t been writing. On the contrary, I’ve probably written as much over the last 4+ months as I have in several years, it just hasn’t gone onto the blog. Much of it has been rather personal, of a nature that I didn’t just want to dump unfiltered out onto the internet – although I will likely wind up sharing a good bit of it in other forms as I resume “publishing” my work.
Ah yes, about that – I have a plan! I have been clearing space in my schedule to re-dedicate myself to writing, with the stated goal of producing at least one formal writing that is designed for “public consumption” every week. These works will be crafted, revised, edited, etc. For the time being, this blog will be the medium in which I will publish that work. However, in the not too distant future, I plan to launch a second site which will be reserved for those works, a more “professional” space, if you will. That will leave this space as more of a personal blog for informal updates and quips, things that I write on the spur of the moment without much crafting or filtering, basically the things you’d expect to find on a blog. I expect these will become more frequent again as I put more time into writing in general.
So, ready or not, here I come again!
11 months ago
Hi Scott!
Why should anyone take you seriously as a writer when you call yourself "a wanna-be writer"? You should have more respect for your craft and calling.
Whoever you are, you make an excellent point! These are the things that happen when you make up titles and so forth from a very different place and then don't even really think about them again for many years! Thank you for pointing that out.
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