So, I was thinking on the way home today that it had been a while since I had blogged, and that I should probably write an entry tonight, but that I didn't really have anything to blog about. Well, upon arriving home, I had something to blog about, and I think I would rather have thrown something together out of nothing.
Anyhow, here's the story. I live in a townhome development. Like many developments of our kind, we don't have individual mailboxes at our homes, but rather a neighborhood mail station where we all have our own mail slots. This presumably is to save time and walking for the mailman. The mailboxes are on the other side of the development, and it's not a long walk, but it is a walk. My usual routine is to drive up there after I come home from work. However, since I don't work on Saturdays, that doesn't work out. So typically, if I don't end up going out and coming back after the normal time for the mail to come, I'll just let the that mail set until Monday, unless I'm expecting something, in which case I'll make a special trip up. I don't really get time sensative mail, so it's not a problem. This past Saturday was one of those days. I actually did go out after the mail would have been gone, but it was to the grocery store, so I came right to the house.
So this afternoon when I come home, I pulled out the mail and found a letter from the property management company that handles the finances for our homeowners' association. Without even opening it, I knew immediately what it was. I had forgotten to send in my association dues for the month. (To be fair, I didn't totally forget, when I went to pay it a couple weeks ago, I couldn't find my coupon book, and I just never got back around to it) Not a big deal, really, just ten dollar late fee. Here, however, is the problem. The 10 dollar fee is if they don't get the fee on or before the 11th. If they don't get the fee on or before the 19th, there's an additional 50 dollar fee. Now that stings. Astute observers will note that today is, in fact, the 17th. And, the mail had already gone for today, which meant that if I put the check in the mail now, the best case scenario was that they would get the check on the 19th, which is the last possible day. Rather than risking the slightest of delays, and being forced to call the homeowner's association and beg for mercy, I raced around to get the check ready and then took off to the post office to get it out with today's mail. That seems to have gone off without a hitch, so hopefully this is all resolved.
This is probably the first time in several weeks that I've left the mail sit on a Saturday, and wouldn't you know that it's that one time when I get something that's actually very time sensative. It's a conspiracy, I tell you. I have no idea by whom, or to what end, but it's definitely a conspiracy.
PS - After going to the post office I ran over to the grocery store to pick up an item or two I had forgotten on Saturday night, and on the way home I nearly got into 2 seperate accidents, one of which would have been totally my fault, the other, not so much. I think I'm just going to start being thankful when things are so uneventful that I have nothing to blog about :)
11 months ago
1 comment:
Mercy, Scott! That's too much drama for me. ;) Glad you didn't actually get into an accident, too!
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