Well, it was a fairly eventful week for me. Here are the highlights:
Tuesday: My friends Lynn and Amy, who have been serving in Thailand, returned back to the States. Lynn continues his battle with ALS, and it has progressed to the point where they need to be back here. Right after work, I raced to vote and change before joining a group to meet them at the Harrisburg airport. It was a very tough experience, because as much as I was glad to see them, the fact that they were having to come home, coupled with seeing how much more Lynn's condition had worsened in the 4 1/2 months since I was in Thailand was very discouraging. I still have faith that Lynn will be healed, and have not wavered in that, but it hurt a lot to see him as he was.
Wednesday: Despite the fact that Sen. Obama won the election, the sun came up, which I believe was a surprise to some people I know, at least listening to the way they were talking prior to the election. (There were others I know who gave you the same impression about a potential McCain election.) I tried to catch the earlier bus home from work, and it either came insanely early or didn't come at all. Chaser had a vet appointment in the evening, and for those who have met Chaser, that is everything you can imagine, and perhaps more. He's not bad or aggressive, he just rarely stops spinning like a top. The vets are always really good about dealing with him, but I got a new one who really enjoyed Chaser, was as patient as you can be, and even gave me some tips on handling him in general. His summary report on Chaser: "He's young and healthy". Heh, yeah.
Thursday: Not a particularly eventful day overall, but I did have a meeting here at the house that took up the evening pretty well.
Friday: We had a prayer meeting for Lynn at my old church back home in the evening. I took advantage of the opportunity to come early and see the folks, and also get my Mom to cook for me - score! Contrary to the discouragement of Tuesday night, the prayer time was an incredibly encouraging time, even though nothing changed from a physical perspective. Afterwards, Lynn and I spent some quality time chatting about and revelling in the Phillies' World Series victory. I don't know if I mentioned it on here or not, but Lynn is a huge Phillies family (his entire family is, tracing back to his paternal grandmother, of all people) and early in the playoff run he had sent an e-mail out to pretty much everyone in his address book that he knew to be a Phillies fan, which led to a running e-mail dialouge throughout the playoffs. He's got a brother in Florida, a cousin in Russia, he's in Thailand, etc, so it was a really cool to be sharing in the fun with folks around the world.
Saturday: I pretty much got a break in the schedule. I had a breakfast meeting, after which I picked up a small bookshelf at Wal-Mart and assembled it as a more permanent stand for my HD antenna, and so I could set my living room back in order from all of that. Then, after some football, I went out bought the new James Bond game for the Wii, and then watched more football.
11 months ago
Sounds like a very productive week!
It was. I made up for it with some major slacking today, however :-)
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