Friday, November 21, 2008

Remind me again... why is global warming a bad thing?

In order to set the mood for those of you who do not not live where I live, here is the view from out my back door:

For further reference, I live outside of Harrisburg, PA, and it's November 21st. This should not be the current view from outside my back door. In this part of the world, at least in my lifetime, we rarely seriously have a good look at a white Christmas, let alone a white Thanksgiving (I think it's going to get just warm enough in a few days that we will avoid that fate, but still). It's like we almost completely skipped fall this year. It stayed warm for a while, then got unseasonably cold for a bit, then was unseasonably warm for a long stretch, and now we're getting full on winter weather in November. Boo.
And this had to have the most annoying way to get an inch or so of snow in history. It was snowing quite hard this morning when I drove to get the bus, it was snowing quite hard (and the wind was blowing pretty hard as well, from the direction I was watching for the bus in) while I was waiting for the bus and while I rode the bus back to my car and then drove home, while almost no snow fell while I was at work, and it quit shortly after I got home. That's like the exact opposite of how I want snow storms to operate!
Oh, well. You win this round, nature.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I'm sorry Scott. :) But in good news, you didn't get as much as we did: about 8 inches in 15 hours. :D