Sunday, June 15, 2008

A quick hit...

I'll be brief - the only thing worse than sitting in an airplane for 17+ hours? Sitting in an airport for 7+ hours WAITING to sit on an airplane for 17+ hours.


Amanda said...

Oh man.... Safe travels, friend.

Scott said...

Well, the travel was mostly done by the time you left that comment, but it was safe. Thanks!

I'm not sure what I would have done without the laptop and wireless internet in the airport, and then having a power outlet at my seat on the plane, allowing me to watch DVD after DVD.

sarah said...

yuck! i will never complain about the piddley 2 hour layovers i endure on occasion. well, maybe not. let's face it, smysers aren't patient!

Amanda said...

Sarah - :D heheheh

Scott said...

It's okay Sarah, it probably won't keep me from complaining on the next 2 hour layover either. I have selective memory in those moments.